There is always something seducing about visiting an artist studio. It is that intimate space where the artists individual search through art are captured. You probably recognize the feeling of being inspired to create something after visiting creative spaces. 

Here is a couple of pictures from one of our favorite artist " Jean Arp" captured by photographer "Ida Kar" in his studio at 21 Rue des Chãtaigniers in clamor very close to Paris - The Arp Foundation. 

Hans (Jean) Arp was a pioneer of abstract art. He was instrumental in founding the Dada movement. Arp incorporated materials such as fabric, waste and discarded paper into his collages, reliefs and sculptures. His approach to his works, is often referred to as organic abstraction.  Arp’s work had hugely influence to the 20th century abstract artists.



Fernando Botero

It is a joy watching Fernando Botero's amazing chunky colorful fruit artworks. Makes you smile. We adore his color combination and his bulging and oversized forms. .

Fernando Botero was born in Colombia in 1932.